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Notes to the current version

If you downloaded the sources of LSIM and compiled them, please, read these notes.
The current map of LSIM is like this:

The current Version ( contains already
characters of code!

About LSim
The life simulator will, one day, be a scientific simulator of a human life. Not as only a game-simuator
lsim will calculate with the weight, age and stuff. Also a bigger population will be possible. This all should
be based on a console C++ environment on a web server. The client will be a CGI/Perl script.
Also planed is a rendering engine which makes it possible to "show" what the current scene's like.

We need...
... you. You don't need to be a programmer but would be fine. YOU are always welcome to join
this project. You may write the documentation, make a better website, manage the projects' releases, promote
it and so on. Please contact me using: THIS LINK

Click here

See the DOCS